Ask for Miracles

Robert and I walked to the coffee shop. It was nearly 5 pm but we both needed a jolt of caffeine. He seemed distant and preoccupied.

“Are you doing okay?” I asked.

He said, “I got some bad news.”

Long story short…

Robert bought a 200 year old house that was built at a time when slavery was still legal Federally in the United States. Robert—a Black gay man—vowed to renovate the home and fill it with love.

“I will make my ancestors proud and say their names,” he wrote shortly after signing the paperwork to buy the house, which was old, crumbling, and in dire need of TLC.

More than an ordinary home renovation, this project symbolized hope and possibility.

“We can build a future that is better than our past.”

The project caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey. Ms. Winfrey’s network offered Robert the opportunity to do a home renovation TV show. He joyfully agreed.

The bad news? Robert found out—abruptly and unexpectedly—that he would need an additional $300,000 in order to secure the home renovation loan and begin construction. He needed to pull this cash together extremely quickly or the loan—and the show—would be canceled.

Robert explained, “I used all my cash to buy the house. I don’t have another $300k sitting around at this exact moment. I don’t know where I’m going to find that money.”

“There are Black and brown kids who’ve never seen someone who looks like me hosting a major TV show—an entrepreneur, a homeowner, a queer person. Representation matters so much,” Robert continued. “I want this show to happen…for them.”

We walked in silence, processing, thinking. I made a quiet suggestion.

“Robert, this might sound completely wild, but here’s an idea. What if you make a list of 50 people. Friends. Colleagues. Clients. Reach out to each person one by one. Explain why this show matters. Ask each person to contribute financially to support the show. Make 50 Asks in 50 Days.”

“Worst case scenario, they all say no,” I said. “But even if that happens, at least you’ll know that you gave your all. You can feel peace of mind because you’ll know that you really tried.”

Robert went back to his apartment. He got a notepad and made a list of people to contact. And, he spent the next 50 days asking for miracles.

He wrote emails. He requested meetings. He hopped on Zoom. He went to events.

Piece by piece, the funding came in. One colleague offered $25,000. Another signed a check for $10,000. Another gave $50,000—and told Robert about a swanky event where he could network and meet more people who might want to contribute. She urged him to go (and he did).

It was 24 hours before the loan deadline. Robert raised a ton of money but hadn’t reached his $300,000 goal yet. He needed to make one more Big Ask—and needed to do it fast.

He contacted a CEO and asked if they could meet for five minutes…that day. The CEO said, “Okay.”

Robert’s stomach contorted inside out. He was drenched with nervous sweat. He patted himself dry, pulled his shoulders back, and marched into the CEO’s office. He told his story. He described the TV program and what it meant. He asked for support on behalf of all the people whose lives would be impacted by this show.

“How much do you need?” asked the CEO.

“$150k,” answered Robert. Pause. “By 9 am tomorrow.”

The CEO was stunned (understandably so) and said, “Let me sleep on it.”

Early next morning, the CEO emailed Robert and said, “I’ve wired the funds.” He added, “I believe in you. Next time you come to me for an investment, I hope you’ll ask for a million.”

Dear human being who is reading this story…

I know there is something you want.

It might be funding for your project, a book deal, an opportunity to serve humanity on a bigger scale, or perhaps a shift in your life that is small and private, not big and public.

I know you’ve been trying to make it happen.

But what if you dedicated the next 50 days to really trying?

What if you made 50 Asks in 50 Days (like Robert did), or did 50 Acts of Courage in 50 Days, or introduced yourself to 50 Potential Clients in 50 Days, or wrote 5 Pages Every Day for 50 Days?

What if you went for it with your whole heart, instead of tip-toeing around it?

Even when it’s 24 hours before the deadline and you’ve tried everything, try one more time. Courage gets rewarded. Miracles happen. Sometimes at the very last second.

Today is not over yet.


PS. Robert approves this message. He hopes you’ll go make Big Asks and create miracles today.

PPS. Watch Robert’s show, Breaking New Ground, on HBO Max. It will inspire you to renovate something in your life, whether it’s a house, business, relationship, or way of thinking.