The joy of tiny projects.
About seven years ago, I released my very first e-book.
It was a tiny book. Ten pages long. Just a wee little thing.
It didn’t take very long to create. In fact, the whole process took less than two days.
First, I drove to my favorite coffee shop. I ordered a triple-shot latte. I was lucky enough to snag a big, cozy, velvet armchair right by the fireplace. I snuggled deep into the cushions. And then I wrote the book in one afternoon. (Again, we’re not talking about War & Peace or Anna Karenina. This was a micro, mini, pint-sized book.)
While working on the book, I pretended like I was writing an extra-long email to a friend.
I didn’t think, “Oh my god, eek, I’m writing a book, I don’t know how to do that…”
Instead, I told myself, “I’m just writing to a friend to share some advice and encouragement. I know how to do that. I do that all the time. No big deal. Easy!” That mindset helped things to flow along pretty quickly.
The next day, I read the Word document aloud to make sure it sounded like “me” — conversational, human, not robotic. I cleaned up a few typos. I added a very basic cover page with the title, my name, and my website. Then I clicked File > Save As > PDF.
And just like that, my very first e-book was… all done!
It was a tiny project, yet it brought me big buckets of joy. Joy, and also satisfaction, pride, and a big boost in confidence. I felt like a “finisher,” not just a “starter” or a “dabbler.” It shifted how I felt about myself as a writer, as an artist, even as a human being. A tiny shift — yet, a big deal.
I love projects of all sizes. But I especially love tiny projects.
A tiny podcast. Each episode could be just five minutes long.
A tiny book. Just twenty pages or less.
A tiny audiobook. Thirty minutes of love.
A tiny event. Six people gathered in your living room.
A tiny mission. Write one “thank you” card every Friday and mail it off.
A tiny moment. Journaling in your diary and writing a poem for nobody else. Just for you.
Once I decide, “I’m going to do a tiny project. Nothing too crazy. Simple and small,” it’s amazing how much R – E – L – I – E – F floods into my body.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I feel focused, light, and energized. Instead of giving up, I march forward. Instead of feeling inadequate, I feel capable. When I set tiny goals, ironically, I make big moves.
If your heart is feeling heavy… if your to-do list is feeling monstrous… if you’re sick of starting projects and never finishing… I encourage you to hit the DELETE key on everything and switch to a tiny project instead.
Tiny projects can get you unblocked.
Tiny projects can lead to surprising opportunities.
Tiny projects can change many people’s lives. Including yours.
Tiny projects are a big deal.